
Hello, Guys, this is Devendra Kumar here and I will tell you everything about micro niche blogging. Nowadays, too much computation in blogging. So if you want to start a new blog, then it is very important to choose the right niche. Thousands of blogs rank on every keyword. In such a situation, keyword selection is also very difficult. Let's know about micro niche blogging.

micro blogging in 2020

What is Micro Niches blogging?

First, let's know what is niche. In other words, a niche is like the main keyword of our blog. The keyword we focus on the most. So this is the topic of our website. But nowadays, there are a lot of blogs live on the internet that is ranking on one or the other keywords. In this case, we should search for a micro niche and work on that specific keyword.

Examples for Niche and Micro Niche

Mobile Reviews:
If this is a niche of our blog. In which we give reviews of mobile. So the chances of your blog being successful will be a little less. Because people are working very much on the same keyword. 

Samsung's Mobile Phone Reviews, Gaming Mobile Phone Reviews:
These are Micro Niches. Because here your keywords will not target too much traffic. It will have audience fix and less competition. And this is the technique you have to do. 

Image result for blog

Why Micro Niches Important to your blog Ranking On Google?

In 2020 it's highly recommended to every blogger that you should try a micro-niche blog rather than a normal blog keyword. It's Not 2015,16 or 17. In the future, you will have to watch more competition in blogging career. you have to start a micro niche blog as soon as possible. 

According to Google algorithms, Google always shows results for streamlined targeted keywords.
So we should also work according to Google. You only have to work on a specific keyword called Micro Niche. 

Some Advantages of micro-niche Blogging 

Less Work:  Yes, Guys, there is very little work in micro-niche blogging.  Once you have to start a blog and write some unique articles. After writing 7 or 8 articles, you will start getting traffic on your blog easily.

Early Success: Micro-blogging gets quick success in blogging. Because Google index your blog first rather than another blog if you are doing micro-blogging. 

Disadvantages Of Micro-niche Blogging

  • Actually, these are not disadvantaged but you may have some problems such as micro-niche searching. 
  • There is so little content that has to be written in a very unique way. 
  • And the biggest problem is getting that keyword's domain.

In spite of all this, micro-blogging is easy and beneficial because here comes quick success. How can we start micro-niche blogging? To know about how we start micro-blog, just explore our blog. 

Some Bonus Tips For New Bloggers For Rant Up Their Blogs

1. Don't break patience. This is very important for success in every field not just in blogging. Patience is the key to success. Some Blogger Like they are doing good work but they leave their work just because they have not yet earned a penny from blogging. 

2. The second tip for Micro-niche blogging. There are two very popular platforms for creating blogs. and, always go for Wordpress for micro-niche blogging. Because WordPress helps you a lot in blogging as compared to  

3. And try that you buy a high authority domain for micro-niche blogging. Do proper research on your domain keyword then buy it. 

4. If you are a new blogger then you should focus on event blogs. Because event blogs become quickly success. Register your domain two or three months before the event and work clearly. 

5. Must take approval on any one website. then you can use the Adsense code on any website.  you don't need to get approvals for every blog.

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