How to create backlinks? In this article, you will get complete information about backlinks. Even after this, if you have any questions, then you can ask in the comment section. Here I will try to explain to you in a simple way. So let's get start.


I am going to cover these topics in this article.

  • What Are Backlinks?
  • How Does Backlink Works?
  • What Are The Types Of Backlinks?
  • How To Create Dofollow Backlinks?
  • Create Backlinks Through Commenting Methode
  • Create Backlinks Through Guest Posting
  • Create Backlinks Through Photos
  • Create Backlinks Through Forms
  • Create Backlinks Through Social Media
  • How To Create Dofollow Backlinks? (Conclusion)

1. What Are Backlinks?

Basically, Backlinks are a part of Off-Page SEO. Whenever we make a website, we have to do SEO for our website. Providing the URL of your website or post in any other website is called Creating backlinks. We can do this in many ways.

There are many things that should be taken care of

 There are many things that should be taken care of. You should get backlinks from websites that have high DA(Domain Authority) and PA(Page Authority). 

2. How Does Backlink Works?

Let's know how do backlinks work. Suppose you took a backlink from a big website like Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a very big website and it gets a lot of traffic. 

After taking backlinks, traffic will also come to your website by redirecting. Wikipedia is a trusted website for Google. Google will also rank your website because you have the support from Wikipedia. This is how backlinks work.

3. What are the types of backlinks?

Backlinks are mostly of two types.

  •  DoFollow Backlinks
  •  NoFollow Backlinks

Here we will talk about Shir Dofollow backlinks only Because do-follow backlinks are important for our articles. 

4. How To Create DoFollow Backlinks?

Let's know how to make do-follow backlinks. Although there are many ways to create backlinks, we will only talk about popular methods. It is not possible to cover all the methods in one article. 

Create Backlinks Through Commenting Method (Popular & Easy Method)

This is the most famous method to create backlinks and Also this very easy way to create high-quality backlinks in a minute. 

First of all, you have to search for a website that is related to your niche. Make sure that the website has high DA(Domain authority) and PA(Page Authority).

You search your keywords in Google, then you will find many websites. Then explore the websites and find out which website has comments allowed. Then have to make a cute comment and provide the URL of your website in the comment.

 You can also give the URL of one of your posts and can tell about your post which you have written about it.
If a website does not have the option to provide a link, then you can also give a link using the HTML code.

<a href=”Your-Link”>Your-Text</a>

How To Use It?

Put your website link in place of Your-Link. and Remove Your-Text and enter the keyword of your post or website. You can write anything you wish to show in the Text place. 

Create Backlinks Through Guest Posting

This method is the most powerful and safe. This can bring a lot of traffic to your website. You have to go to the website of a big blogger and if there guest posting service is available, then you should post an article there.

Keep in mind that your article should be unique at once, otherwise your article will not approve. In the article, you have to give a link to your website at any one place. Which will also bring traffic to your website.
Before writing a guest post, you must read the privacy policy.

Create Backlinks Through Photos

To create backlinks from photos, you will need a Pinterest account. Here you can upload your website related photos and also provide your website link. From here you will also get a backlink.

Create Backlinks Through Forms

This method is also very good. Through this, you can create good traffic. You have to search websites like Quora and answer the questions of the people there. A time will come when your community will increase, then you can provide a link to your website.

Create Backlinks Through Social Media

In this, you have to do nothing, share your article on different social media platforms. If seen, there are more than 50 powerful social media platforms on the Internet. If you want to see the list, click here
Create your Genuine Profile on these social media sites. Why not create a fake account because it will not increase your community.

5. How To Create DoFollow Backlinks? (Conclusion)

There are many other ways, but the Genuine methods are told to you. If you have any problem, then please tell me in the comment. I will try my best to help you.

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